Unit4 Procurement and Invoice Matching: What’s changed over time?

With a function-rich platform like Unit4, it’s easy for individual features – including potentially very useful add-ons – to fly under your radar. This is especially pertinent to long-term users of Unit4 Financials by Coda: courtesy of Unit4, enhancements have come thick and fast over recent years, and there may easily have been some you’ve missed!

If you first encountered Coda a few decades ago, you may have noticed a procurement and invoice matching module was available. However, built by Science Systems and badged as a Coda product, this was a separate application from the core Coda system. Interfacing ensured data exchange between Coda and the procurement module, but they were essentially two independent systems.

The significant change came in 2011 with the release of Unit4 Financials by Coda, Version 11. From then on, Unit4 offered (and still provides) two separate optional modules, one for procurement, and one for invoice matching. Unlike the previous app, these modules are both integrated within the core Unit4 Financials platform, sharing the same database and business logic.

For users, this means seamless processes with no duplication of effort. You create a new supplier, fill in the relevant details, and the new record feeds through automatically to the procurement and invoice matching modules.

Why are Procurement and Invoice Matching two separate modules?

Purchase order processing and the need for invoice matching often go hand-in-hand. So why is there a separate module for each one?

First off, let’s take a look at what each module covers:


The module streamlines and consolidates procurement processes linked to indirect spend (e.g. supplies, equipment, and facilities management spend). Unit4 Financials by Coda is a financial management system (not a stock control system), so the module is not designed for stock procurement.

It standardises, automates, and applies controls across all stages of the procurement process. Key features include automatic routing of requisitions through an approval workflow, applying predefined rules and spending thresholds, set by you.

After approval, the system automatically generates purchase orders with all relevant info inputted. Open POs can be tracked within the system to monitor outstanding orders.

Invoice Matching

This module can be used alongside the Unit4 procurement module and can also integrate with third-party systems, including stock control systems.

The module facilitates automated three-way matching (i.e. comparing a purchase order, goods received note (GRN) and invoice) before payment is made.

Users can apply customised rules for automatic matching (e.g. payment amounts and quantities), with tolerance levels for any discrepancies.

The Procurement module performs a distinct job, i.e. automating and streamlining processes linked to indirect spend. The Invoice Matching module has wider applicability, in that it can be used for matching and reconciling both indirect and stock-related invoices. For this reason, Unit4 offers them as two distinct modules.

When you raise a purchase order in the Procurement module, the user will create a GRN on receipt of the goods. The system then automatically creates a logical receive note (LRN) in the invoice matching module. You can also configure your stock control system or other third-party procurement systems to send LRNs to the Invoice Matching module in the same way through web services.

This separation ensures flexibility for different workflows and business needs. Some businesses will choose to implement the Unit4 Procurement module for indirect spend alongside their procurement/inventory system and apply the Invoice Matching module to both. Others may have very few indirect spend transactions to administer, meaning a dedicated indirect procurement module is unnecessary. They may, however, have a large volume of inventory invoices to manage, in which case implementing Unit4 Invoice Matching – integrated with their third-party procurement/inventory system – makes perfect sense.

Benefits of Procurement and Invoice Matching Software

Effective and timely approvals

‘Why wasn’t I made aware of this spend before the budget was set? Why am I only being told of it now? Why are we still using this supplier?’ With manual or ad-hoc approvals, there’s the constant risk of maverick spend, i.e. employees committing to purchases without approval and without budget holders being able to control what’s happening.

A procurement module empowers you to standardise and streamline the approvals process. Once a PO has been issued, it is immediately routed to the relevant budget holder or manager. Different levels of approval can be applied based on, for instance, spend category or amount. Meanwhile, integration with Unit4 Financials means you can check whether sufficient budget is available before allowing the request to proceed. The result? You decide on the approval rules you want to apply, and the system ensures they are adhered to.

Enhanced internal controls

For inventory, it’s not always a simple case of placing an order, receiving the items in one neat dispatch, and settling the invoice. Multiple shipments, partial deliveries, swaps, and supplementary orders are all to be expected. But they all create additional variables in terms of keeping track of what has been received and paid for. It’s also where the scope for error and wasted cost is greatest.

An invoice matching solution makes it much easier to handle these complexities through customised controls. This includes the ability to track and manage partial shipments, ensuring that the invoiced amount matches the quantity of items received. It is also possible to apply fine-grained matching rules to handle multiple layers of conditions, such as different tolerance levels for different product categories, separate rules for high-volume or low-volume items, and differentiation between full and partial deliveries.

Better cost management

For any finance manager charged with cutting out wasted spend, Unit4’s Procurement and Invoice Matching modules can offer easy wins in multiple areas.

As we’ve seen, the implementation of tightly controlled approval workflows makes it easier to control budget overspending. It reduces the chances of employees going off-piste and ignoring your procurement policies.

Beyond this, accurate and error-free invoice matching makes it much easier to ensure that payments made are a reflection of goods actually received, avoiding not just overpayments but also penalties for late payments.

The other big advantage from a costs management perspective relates to visibility. Linking to both the wider Unit4 ecosystem and any other applications you have in play, with enhanced procurement and invoice matching capabilities, you are much better equipped to track purchasing activity in real time. This can give you valuable intel on areas where costs can be reduced, whether it’s by adjusting purchasing volumes or switching to more cost-effective and reliable suppliers.

Find out more

To explore implementing these modules, speak to us today. You can get more information about the solution’s procurement and invoice matching capabilities here:

Click here

(Article written and published September 2024)