The Difference. Experience.
We have delivered more than 1,000 projects, leveraging teams of experts across business transformation, technology and stakeholder management.
Change is a journey, and we have the knowledge and experience to support you at every stage.

Regulatory Compliance
The regulatory landscape is shifting as firms face ever-tighter standards. We help you understand and navigate these changes.

IFRS 17 is a major challenge for insurers fundamentally changing accounting, actuarial and reporting practices, impacting supporting systems and processes.

Our experts help finance teams tackle the additional complexity of compliance, identifying solutions that streamline the process.
Navigate a Shifting Regulatory Landscape
Designed to cover financial instrument handling, IFRS 9 came into force in 2018. However, many firms still do not have the tools to streamline their processes and simplify compliance. We have the knowledge to identify and implement solutions that reduce the operational cost of meeting requirements.
IFRS15 was developed and brought into force from 2018 to bring transparency to revenue recognition. Its business impact goes far beyond the finance function, so our practitioners work closely with firms to where the latest technologies can help them deliver compliance as efficiently as possible.
In force from January 2019, IFRS16 adds complexity to the lease accounting process, increasing the time and effort it takes firms to complete – along with the added risk of inaccuracy. We use our expertise to advise on and source solutions that reduce the burden of compliance on the finance department.
In force from 2023, IFRS17 represents a significant change in the regulatory framework for insurance contracts. Firms need to be ready to handle huge data flows at a pace, so we help them better understand the new requirements and how the latest cloud-based systems provide a clear route to compliance.
While designed to bring greater consistency to US accounting standards, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) create a major challenge for firms as they navigate a complex mixture of rules and requirements. We help businesses create an effective pathway to compliance while delivering improved insight into business performance.
Arriving in 2018, MiFID II expanded the scope of the original harmonised standard for investment services across the European Economic Area. Our experts help finance teams tackle the additional complexity of compliance, identifying solutions that streamline the process.
Developed to strengthen risk management, governance and transparency banking, Basel III was a far-reaching reform of regulation in the sector. We help firms understand and manage its impact on their business while laying the foundations for compliance with the forthcoming Basel IV standard.
Solvency II is designed to consolidate regulations for insurance firms across the EU into a single standard while ensuring adequate levels of consumer protection. Leveraging our industry expertise, we help organisations create efficient processes that deliver an effective route to compliance.
Designed to improve the flexibility of finance systems under GAAP, LDTI will involve significant changes to systems, processes and data for many firms. We guide organisations in identifying and implementing these changes to meet the standard’s requirements by its January 2023 deadline.
Supporting your IFRS 17 Deployment and Beyond
Over the past 27 years Millennium Consulting has been supporting CFOs with complex Finance Transformation programs.
Following the financial crash of 2008, regulatory compliance has assumed far greater importance for Financial Service organisations who need to comply with new legislation including Sarbanes Oxley, MiFID, Basel, Dodd Frank as well as changes to IFRS reporting.
Millennium works with UK, Europe and North American financial institutions on complex finance transformation programs typically involving design, configuration, build, development and software testing. Being software agnostic, we work with the leading IFRS technologies that meet the requirements of clients.
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