Episode 7


Understand how to archive

As with most applications, over time there is potential for performance degradation within Unit4 Financials as historical data begins to build up. However, in many cases, this can be improved by archiving historical data.

Within Financials, there are two options available to archive data: internal and external.

During this short video, we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each archiving method, the problems that can arise and how they can be resolved. We also share a case study illustrating the benefits of archiving.

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Published: November 2021

Why Archive? 

Over time, your Unit4 (Coda) Financials system may accumulate high transactional data volumes, often going back many years and this is likely to have a detrimental impact on system performance. It is therefore advisable to archive older data that is no longer required whilst at the same time ensuring it is easily accessible should the need arise. Historic data should be securely archived, stored safely and made accessible for audit purposes.

Archiving benefits:

  • Data is typically stored on low performance, high capacity media with lower associated maintenance and operating cost
  • Removes data from backup routines, reducing their size and eliminating the restoration of unnecessary files
  • Reduces the ability to modify or lose data.
  • Removes documents from circulation, reducing the chance of cyberattack or malware infection

If you would like more information, please get in touch.