November 2022

Building Cyber Resilience for 2023 and beyond

A guide for business leaders

  • Cyber resilience defined
  • The current threat landscape
  • Barriers to resilience
  • Building resilience: steps to take
Read the white paper

There was a time when cyber was seen almost exclusively as an IT concern. These days, cyber security and risk management need to be viewed as a board-level issue, directly impacting finance, compliance, operations, customer relations – and indeed, every corner of the business.

The cyber security basics – measures such as systems protection, security infrastructure, user controls and safe data handling – are as crucial as ever. And as threat actors and their methods evolve, there will always be the need to ensure your cyber security toolkit is fit for purpose.

But alongside cyber security, it is also vital to focus on cyber resilience. This is the realisation that – try as you might – not every threat can be stopped and not every risk can be entirely mitigated. Resilience describes your ability to anticipate, prepare for, withstand, respond to and recover from whatever may be around the corner.

Read on to have a closer look at the need for resilience in the context of the current threat landscape, the barriers to it, and the steps required to build it.

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