Millennium Consulting and Diesis Sign Partnership Agreement
June 9th, 2021

Joining forces and sharing expertise, that is what the partnership between Millennium Consulting and the Dutch consultancy Diesis is all about.
Separately both companies have more than 25 years of experience with Unit4 Financials. The companies already meet regularly in the field and share experiences and knowledge around Unit4 Financials. With this agreement, the co-operation between the only two Global Unit4 Financials Elite partners is confirmed.
Jeremy Lucas, Chief Operating Officer of Millennium Consulting said: “I am delighted about the partnership agreement with Diesis. We are looking forward to working together and using our extensive experience and combined knowledge to greatly enhance the support of Unit4 Financials clients globally.”
Tino Wendriks, Managing Director at Diesis added: “We have known Millennium for a long time since we both have been operating on the Unit4 Financials (Coda) market for more than two decades. Just like Diesis, Millennium can also call upon many years of knowledge and experience, both functional and technical. Our co-operation will lead to a further strengthening of both our positions in the Unit4 Financials market. Whereby we can help each other in supporting our international clients!”
We look forward to a successful partnership and continuing and deepening our support of the Unit4 customer base.