Millennium 2023 Unit4 Financials by Coda Conference

Presentation from Unit4

Unit4 Source-to-Contract by Scanmarket

Scanmarket focuses on Source-to-Contract (S2C) processes, helping procurement and finance to streamline and get visibility into their upstream procurement. Take a look at the typical challenges that procurement face and how to leverage the S2C platform.

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Luke Sherratt

Source-to-Contract Account Executive, Scanmarket

About the speaker

Luke has over 4 years experience in source-to-contract, specifically focused on helping organisations make the digital transformation of their upstream, procurement processes. Luke has worked with organisations from multiple sectors, ranging anywhere from 500 employees to over 10,000 in size, predominantly focused on the UK market but has also supported European customers too.

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If you have any questions regarding the presentation or would like further information, such as a more in-depth product demonstration, an indicative cost, or a copy of the slide deck – please get in touch.