April 2022

In 2022, some people still regard the world of cryptocurrency as a kind of Financial Wild West: a place where anonymity is the norm, scammers can flourish, and easy wins (or catastrophic losses) can happen overnight.

For others, the arrival of the first digital currency was the most significant fintech development of our generation. Blockchain, the technology that underpins cryptocurrency, is all set to strengthen transparency and financial governance rather than undermining it. And with the number of crypto transactions on the rise, there’s an argument that by ignoring its presence, you are simply handing your competitors an advantage.

The right approach for most UK businesses will probably be somewhere in the middle. Read on to cut through the crypto hype, to understand the up
and coming currencies and trends, and to get a better idea of whether elements of the blockchain/ digital currency landscape may become more relevant to your own business in the near future…

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